Wednesday, March 3, 2010

When you are sick or hurt in Haiti where will the Baby sleep?

Lots of pictures today! Check them all out.

Where to begin?? Each day is a myriad of experiences, from nurses stepping in to be ER docs - two men came in to the ER and had been sitting for an hour and a half and no one had spoken to them yet. One had a hand laceration, requiring stitches and the other had minor abrasions on his arm and knee and needed stitches in his chin. They had fallen off a motorcycle (Motorcycles are Everywhere! in Haiti) and had made their way to this little mountain hospital for treatment. We had to pull one of the docs from between procedures in the OR to stitch them up and sent them on their way.

Making our way from the guest house to the hospital.

Rounds by headlamp and flashlight.

So many complex dressings. So many serious infections!Three wound vacs installed in the past two days. Dr Rudolph (Haitian) and our team's excellent Ortho Docs are putting in such long days and accomplishing so much. The US docs are seeing procedures done in ways that they haven't seen in years. The Haitian people truly "make do" with what they have to work with. One autoclave for the OR, so they have to prioritze surgeries so they can sterilize instruments between procedures. Dr. Rudolph has done more procedures in the past 8 weeks (without a day off!) than the US docs do in almost a year!
PT working hard to get patients up and walking.

Wendesday 3-3-10 We are busy to say the least. Last night Doctor's rounds again ended around midnight. Doctors Mike, John, Adele (retired Navy) and Rudy are tireless and and can keep the midnight oil burning ! Nurses Karen and Dorothy are all over changing dressing up to 50 a day. The PT's are making real progress getting people up and around.
In Haiti when you are sick, your family takes care of you - they are your own CNA's. Yes 24/7, so a place to sleep is under the bed, baby and all.
Today was started with a worship service and a welcome by the local minister.

Mona, our cook at the guest house.

Little children walking through the compound on their way to school.

Family and friends lean through the windows to watch whatever treatment is going on in the wards. And we have noticed - whoever screams the loudest draws the largest crowd!

Relaxing at the guest house after a long day and a good hot meal.

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." II Timothy 1:7


  1. Looks like you're keeping busy.

  2. It must feel good to be able to really help these people. Take care!
