Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monday to Tuesday on our trip to Bonne Fin

Well the wonders of technology! I just lost every thing that was typed due to Internet issues! Nothing is easy in Haiti! So I will try to hit the highlights. Our trip was an adventure of real Haitian proportions! Helicopter ride for Alice, Margret and some luggage. The rest of us piled into the Land Rover and were able to drive up to about the last two miles before the hospital, again witnessing devastation all around, as people's homes were flooded and all of their belongings out in the open to try to dry them out. Some of the staff came down from the hospital and helped us with of our luggage. So we did a Haiti hike.

We had supper at the guest house on the hospital compound and then went and did rounds, changing many dressings until 12:30 AM. Because the nurses were unable to get to the hospital over the weekend, dressings were unchanged for several days. These injuries are very traumatic with most being amputees, some of which are healed, but many that are still open. The hospital has had over 300 orthopedic procedures since the earthquake. Dr. Rudolph here has amazing stamina! The orthopedic surgeons on our team are quiet impressed and are stepping right up and scheduling surgeries. Right now they expect to do over 20 procedures while they are here. The major problem with a lot of these patients still here is that they are dealing with serious infections.


  1. So interesting to see and hear of your experiences thus far...thanks. Our prayers are with you!

    Phil, Sarah & Gabrielle

    (your blog was forwarded by our Wagenbach family :)

  2. Thanks for sharing! It is so great to see how God is using all of you there. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Please give our love to my hubby, Ben.
    Heidi, Kyler, and Macy Hartter

  3. Wishing you all a safe trip. What a noble way to use your talents. And Talie, you're making us proud! :)
